

A birth doula will provide you continuous support during your birth.

Studies have shown that people who have such continuous in-person support are “more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth.” (Source: Evidence Based Birth)

We are here to provide you unparalleled, judgement-free support for any kind of birth.


Midwest Doulas - Doula and Birth Services

There are two main models of doula care. Many doulas use a “back-up” model, which means a “back-up” doula will attend your birth if a scheduling conflict occurs. Which sounds reasonable, until you realize the doula attending your birth may be a complete stranger to you, not the person you entrusted to support your family at the most critical time in your life.

Midwest Doulas was formed to offer an alternative to the “back-up” model of doula care. Our strictly team-based model means you’ll meet the whole team of doulas who may attend your birth. We want you to have the best birth experience possible, and that starts with knowing the doula at your birth. Midwest Doulas provides support, not surprises, when you need it most!